Collection: Men's Jackets
![a man wearing a navy blue jacket]({width}x.jpg?v=1733828295)
Quality Men’s Jackets for Outdoor Activities
Discounted Outdoor Gear at Out&Back Outdoor
![a man in a green jacket hiking]({width}x.jpg?v=1733828360)
![men wearing bubble jackets carrying snowboards]({width}x.jpg?v=1733828844)
Buy more, save more on winter apparel, gloves, mittens, and beanies. Buy 2 items, get 15% off. Buy 3, get 20% off. Buy 4, get 25% off. Learn More.
Most orders over $100 are eligible for free shipping. Some exclusions apply. Learn More.
Buy more, save more on winter apparel, gloves, mittens, and beanies. Buy 2 items, get 15% off. Buy 3, get 20% off. Buy 4, get 25% off. Learn More.
Most orders over $100 are eligible for free shipping. Some exclusions apply. Learn More.
Explore the perfect fit for every adventure with our men’s outdoor jackets. Designed for activities like hiking, climbing, running, skiing, and snowboarding, these jackets keep you comfortable and protected from the elements. Choose from new or used men’s jackets for unbeatable value at Out&Back Outdoor.
Explore the ultimate collection of men’s jackets designed to protect and enhance your adventurous spirit. Find men’s outdoor winter jackets, lightweight softshell jackets, warm fleece jackets, outdoor base layers, and more at Out&Back Outdoor. Whether you’re looking for the perfect blend of warmth and breathability as you conquer that mountain peak or need something light for running or hiking, our selection of men’s outdoor jackets offers the protection you need while elevating your outdoor experience. The jackets also feature the right protective technology to withstand harsh weather without compromising comfort. Choose from full-zip, half-zip, and versatile hoodies to match every challenge.
Out&Back Outdoor is your go-to store for high-quality outdoor gear at incredible prices. We offer a blend of new and second-hand items, bringing you top brands at huge discounts. Our platform makes shopping for outdoor enthusiasts simple and rewarding, combining curation and affordability. Whether you’re an experienced adventurer or a casual enthusiast, there’s something here for everyone. Our GEAR-SSURANCE™ guarantees your satisfaction with our products, backed by a free 30-day return policy, to make your experience worry-free. With up to 80% discounts, you’ll find men’s outdoor jackets and more at prices that suit your budget.
Upgrade your cold-weather wardrobe with Out&Back Outdoor’s collection of new men’s outdoor winter jackets and used men’s jackets. Explore high-quality designs that prioritize both style and function to keep you comfortable in every adventure. Outfit yourself responsibly with our impressive selection of outdoor gear. Feel confident in the gear you’re getting. Want a quick and easy way to sell your unwanted gear? Trade in your gear for cash.
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New: brand new gear with its original packaging
Pristine: new gear but may have had its original packaging removed (think New Without Tags)
Excellent: gear that shows minimal signs of wear but has been used
Good: gear that shows signs of use but is fully functional exactly as it was designed
Worn: well-loved gear that shows heavy signs of use but still works