Washing Your Backpacking Pack
Hanging up your backpacking gear for the season? Although you don’t need (or want) to wash your pack too often, sometimes it needs a good scrubbing. Here are our tips on how to get a season (or two or three) worth of adventure cleaned from your pack before you store it away for winter.
What You’ll Need:
- Vacuum
- Sponge or Soft-Bristle Brush
- Mild Soap - a Castile soap or wash made specifically for technical gear works well
- Large sink or bathtub
1. Clear It Of Dirt- Gently vacuum seams, crevices, and the inside of the bag to remove any loose crumbs or dirt
- If able, remove your hip belt and straps to wash those separately with a sponge or brush, lukewarm water, and some soap. Rinse well with water.
- Fills a large sink or bath tub with ~6 inches of lukewarm water and a bit of soap. Submerge pack, swish it around, and scrub any specific spots with a sponge or brush. Drain the tub.
- Fill the tub once more with ~6 inches of cool water and dunk/rinse your pack until you have removed all soap residue.
- Don’t put your pack in a dryer. Hang it to air dry upside down, in a room with good airflow or outside on a sunny day.
- If you live somewhere with really cold winters, consider storing it inside. If your winters tend to be fairly temperate, a shed or garage should be fine. If storing in a garage or shed, consider putting your pack in a large trash bag and hanging it off the ground or on a shelf.